• Serving Georgia

Types of Wasps and Hornet Nests


Exploring the Types of Hornet Nests

Hornets are notorious for their aggressive stings and the impressive nests they build. Understanding the various types of hornet nests can help homeowners stay safe and informed.

  1. Aerial Nests: Hornets like the bald-faced hornet construct large, hanging nests typically attached to tree branches or buildings.
  2. Subterranean Nests: Some species, such as the European hornet, build nests underground, often in abandoned burrows or cavities.
  3. Paper Nests: Most hornets create paper-like nests by chewing wood fibers and mixing them with saliva. These nests can be found hanging from eaves, shrubs, or even in attics.
  4. Enclosed Nests: Some hornets construct nests with an outer protective layer, like the oriental hornet, which creates a protective envelope of soil.

Understanding the type of nest in your vicinity can help you take appropriate precautions to ensure your safety and manage hornet infestations effectively.

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